Belmont rapid infuser vs level 1 rapid infuser

Both the Level 1 Rapid Infuser and the Belmont Rapid Infuser are essential medical equipment in managing clinical shock. They are specifically designed to rapidly infuse warmed blood and crystalloid fluids into a patient’s circulatory system. This swift intervention is crucial in stabilizing patients who are experiencing shock due to major hemorrhage, traumatic injuries, or conditions like placental abruption or even excessive blood loss during surgical procedures.

Certainly, while both the Level 1 Rapid Infuser and the Belmont Rapid Infuser share the primary function of rapidly infusing warmed fluids for clinical shock management, they do have distinct features that set them apart.

What is the Belmont Rapid infuser

The Belmont rapid infuser

The Belmont Rapid Infuser establishes a standard of excellence in the prompt and dependable delivery of warmed blood and fluids. This straightforward, secure, and efficient life-saving technology instills trust in clinicians, both civilian and military, across the globe on a daily basis. Enjoy a sense of assurance, knowing that you’re well-prepared for the most challenging situations, armed with top-tier equipment.

The Belmont Rapid Infuser, was developed by Belmont Instrument Corp and was introduced in 1999 and nearly all machines purchased are still in use.

Belmont Rapid infuser
Belmont Rapid infuser

Functions and Purpose of the Belmont vs level 1 Rapid infuser

Functionality: The Belmont Rapid Infuser works by utilizing a combination of pressure and temperature control to deliver fluids or blood products at a rapid rate while minimizing the risk of hemolysis (rupture of red blood cells) or other complications. It can warm fluids to body temperature before infusion, reducing the risk of hypothermia in patients.

Purpose: The primary purpose of the Belmont Rapid Infuser is to support rapid fluid resuscitation in patients with acute blood loss or severe hypovolemia. By delivering large volumes of fluids or blood products quickly, it helps to restore circulating volume, improve tissue perfusion, and prevent organ failure in critically ill patients. It is particularly valuable in emergency departments, operating rooms, and intensive care units where timely intervention is essential for patient survival.

Level 1 rapid infuser

Functionality: The Level 1 Rapid Infuser functions similarly to the Belmont Rapid Infuser, utilizing pressure and temperature control mechanisms to deliver fluids or blood products rapidly and accurately. It also includes a console unit and a disposable set with tubing and a reservoir bag. The device can warm fluids to body temperature before infusion, minimizing the risk of hypothermia.

Purpose: The primary purpose of the Level 1 Rapid Infuser aligns closely with that of the Belmont Rapid Infuser: to facilitate rapid fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients.

It is used in emergency departments, operating rooms, and intensive care units to manage acute blood loss, severe dehydration, shock, or other life-threatening conditions requiring immediate intervention. By administering fluids or blood products swiftly, the Level 1 Rapid Infuser helps stabilize patients, optimize tissue perfusion, and improve outcomes in critical care settings.

Unique Features & Qualities of the Belmont

  • Precision Control: Belmont Rapid Infusers are known for their precise control over the infusion rate, allowing healthcare providers to administer fluids and blood products at a controlled rate,(At rates from 2.5 to 1000 ml per minute).
  • Warm Blood and Fluids: Many Belmont Rapid Infusers have integrated Precise, high-speed warming capabilities, which means they can warm the fluids and blood products before infusion, helping to prevent hypothermia in patients.
  • Air Detection: They often come equipped with Automatic air detection and removal systems to minimize the risk of air embolism during infusion.
  • Large Volume Capacity: Belmont Rapid Infusers can handle high volumes of fluids, making them suitable for massive transfusion protocols and trauma situations.
  • Portability: Some models are designed to be portable and can be easily moved to different areas of the hospital or clinical setting.
Belmont infusing Blood products
Belmont infusing Blood products
  • Intuitive touchscreen display. The Belmont touch screen display allows for quick device operation.
  • Aluminum-free disposables, The 3-Spike Disposable Set stands as the sole disposable necessary for the full spectrum of flow rates on The Belmont® Rapid Infuser. Its color-coded design ensures straightforward installation, arriving pre-assembled with seamless connections among the heat exchanger, reservoir, and patient line. Within the sterile fluid path, medical-grade stainless steel rings boast an expansive surface area, yielding an almost imperceptible temperature differential between the heat exchanger and the fluid. Additionally, the quick-connect luer fittings facilitate on-the-fly exchange of the reservoir to the larger 3.0 L option mid-operation.
Belmont 3 spike disposable set and reservoir
  • Fast, Automatic Priming ,The Belmont Rapid Infuser RI-2 fully primes in under 1 minute and easily re-primes without disconnecting from the patient.
setting up the belmont rapid infuser video take from YouTube,belmontmedtech

Warnings when using the Belmont

The Belmont Rapid Infuser, FMS2000, is not for use in warming platelets, Cryo-precipitates, or granulocyte suspensions.

Do not mix lactated Ringer’s or other solutions containing calcium with citrated blood products.
Use only anticoagulated blood products

-Not to be use in environment with high Oxygen level.

-Not to be use in the presence of Nitrous Oxide.

  • Do not left unattended while in operation.

Stopping the Belmont after Transfusion

  1. Stop the pump if it’s running.
  2. Securely clamp the patient line and bag spikes.
  3. Use the circuit breaker to turn off the system.
  4. Open the system door and take out the disposable set. Adhere to standard hospital procedures for handling and disposing of bio-hazardous materials.

Considerations when using the Belmont

Rapid fluid infusion carries risks including venous air embolism (VAE), hypothermia, and infuser-related bloodstream infection

Uses of the Belmont Rapid Infuser and the level

1. Trauma and emergencies: Both Crafted to minimize response time and conserve essential resources while facilitating swift administration of fluids. Administration of crystalloid, colloid, or blood products (including packed red blood cells) for volume replacement in patients with blood loss due to trauma or surgery.

2. Anesthesia: Both maintain patient temperature, also maintaining intraoperative normothermia, preventing core hypothermia

3. Surgical care: Replace fluids lost during procedures and maintains consistent patient temperature during surgical procedures by keeping fluids given warm. Delivery of warmed blood and fluids.

4. Labor and Delivery: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) remains the most common and serious complication of labor and delivery. Prompt activation of massive transfusion protocol (MTP) can save a new mother life during postpartum hemorrhage.

5. Intensive care: Creates a quick response in a highly stress environment like the ICU.

6. Military: quick use and response during a battle field trauma where mass protocol infusions maybe required.

Belmont training video

Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Level 1 Rapid infuser

The Level 1 blood and fluid warmers from Smiths Medical help reduce the risk and allow for early diagnosis of hypothermia, hyperthermia, and malignant hyperthermia. Level 1 temperature management systems used in clinical care settings help to monitor and regulate patient temperature through rapid infusion of normothermic blood and I.V. fluids, as well as routine blood and fluid warming.

level 1 Rapid infuser from Smith Medical

  • Rapid Infusion: Level 1 Rapid Infusers are designed for rapid and high-volume fluid administration, similar to Belmont infusers.
  • Temperature Control: They often include temperature control features to warm the fluids and blood products to body temperature before infusion.
  • Air Detection: Like Belmont, Level 1 Rapid Infusers typically have air detection systems to prevent air embolism.
  • User-Friendly Interface: They usually come with user-friendly interfaces and controls for easy operation in critical situations.
  • Compatibility: Level 1 Rapid Infusers may be compatible with a range of different IV bags and blood products.

It’s important to note that the specific features and capabilities of these devices can vary based on the model and version. Per FDA US Food and Drug Administration the manufacturer of record for Level 1 Fast Flow Fluid Warming System, NORMOFLO, Fluid Warmer, and Level 1 Normothermic I.V. Fluid Administration Set, as of August 18, 2021, was recalled, being performed out of an abundance of caution due to the potential for aluminum ions leaching into certain intravenous solutions and blood products before transfusion/infusion to a patient.

Exposure to toxic levels of aluminum could potentially lead to serious injury or possibly death, depending on the treatment being administered and the patient’s condition was voluntarily recalling certain models of these devices.

With the ongoing progress in research and technology, there is a strong belief that forthcoming developments will result in the removal of aluminum from IV administration sets, ultimately elevating the standards of this product.

Differences between Belmont Rapid infuser and Level 1 Rapid Infuser

Belmont Rapid InfuserLevel 1 Rapid Infuser
Temperature Control: manage and regulate temperature of the fluids they infuse
Temperature Control: manage and regulate the temperature of the fluids they infuse
User Interface:
More straightforward and easier to use in emergency situations.
User Interface: require more
manual steps for setup and operation.
It often involves connecting various tubing and ensuring proper
calibration before initiating
Infusion Rate Control:
renowned for its meticulous control
over the infusion rate, allowing
healthcare providers to administer fluids and blood products at a controlled rate, ranging
from 2.5 to 1000 ml per minute.
Infusion Rate Control:
Crystalloid administration under 300mmHg pressure:
18g cannula: 240 ml/min
16g cannula: 440 ml/min
14g cannula: 500 ml/min

Temperature Measurement:
Directly measures the temperature of the fluids infused.
Temperature Measurement:
Measure the temperature of the bath that is used to heat the fluid infused.
Set Up: uses a disposable cartridge system that can simplify setup and reduce the risk of contamination.Set Up: Require more manual steps for setup and operation

Fluids that is compatible with Belmont vs Level 1 rapid infuser

CANNOT administer platelets, cryoprecipitate,  or medications via rapid infusers.


Personal experiences as an R.N in a Level 1 Trauma center



