
Filtered Water vs. Distilled water : How to Choose the Healthiest Option for You

When choosing between filtered water and distilled water, consider your health needs. Filtered water retains essential minerals like calcium and magnesium while removing contaminants, making it ideal for daily hydration. Distilled water, on the other hand, is free of all minerals and impurities, which can be beneficial for detoxification but may lack necessary nutrients for long-term use. Your choice depends on your dietary needs and water purity preferences.

Glass of water
bottle of distilled water

What is Filtered Water?

Filtered water refers to groundwater or tap water that has undergone a meticulous process aimed at eliminating impurities, as well as a range of both physical and chemical contaminants. Filtered water, the type most commonly available in grocery stores, is typically sourced from municipal tap water.

This water undergoes a filtration process utilizing carbon filters to remove chlorine, which greatly improves its taste. At times, a micron filter is also employed. After this filtration, the water is subjected to Ozonation and then bottled for sale.


Ozonation is a water treatment process that involves the infusion of ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen (O3), into water. This is typically done to disinfect and purify the water by eliminating or reducing various types of contaminants. Ozone is a strong oxidizer that instantly neutralizes biological matter, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, and has stronger disinfectant properties than chlorine.

During the ozonation process, ozone gas is introduced into the water. The ozone molecules react with organic and inorganic compounds, effectively destroying bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and other microorganisms. Additionally, ozone can oxidize and decompose substances like organic pollutants, iron, manganese, and certain chemicals.

Differences between Filtered water and Distilled water

Filtered WaterDistilled Water
Contaminant Removal: Varies by filter type; effective against many contaminants, but may not remove all bacteria or viruses.Contaminant Removal: Removes nearly all contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and heavy metals.
Mineral Content: Retains some beneficial minerals, depending on the filter.Mineral Content:
No minerals; all dissolved solids are removed.
Taste: Generally retains natural taste, especially with carbon filters.Taste:
Can taste flat or bland due to lack of minerals.
Maintenance: Requires regular filter changes and maintenance.Maintenance: Low maintenance, but the process is slow and energy-intensive.
Energy Use: Low energy use; some systems may require electricity (e.g., UV filters).High energy consumption due to boiling process.
Water Waste: Some systems, like reverse osmosis, can waste water during the filtration process.No water waste; all water is distilled.
Best Use Case: Suitable for daily drinking water with good overall safety and taste.Ideal for situations needing extremely pure water.

How removing Contaminant from your water via Filter or Distilled is done

Filtering water involves passing it through various materials that trap or neutralize contaminants. There are several types of filtration systems, each with its own strengths:

  • Activated Carbon Filters:
    • Contaminants Removed: Chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and some heavy metals like lead.
    • Strengths: Improves taste and odor, retains essential minerals.
    • Limitations: Less effective against bacteria, viruses, and dissolved inorganic compounds.
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) Filters:
    • Contaminants Removed: A broad spectrum, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals (like arsenic, lead), nitrates, sulfates, and dissolved salts.
    • Strengths: Provides comprehensive removal of many harmful substances.
    • Limitations: Can remove beneficial minerals, requires regular maintenance, and wastes water in the filtration process.
  • UV Filters:
    • Contaminants Removed: Primarily bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.
    • Strengths: Effectively disinfects water, making it microbiologically safe.
    • Limitations: Does not remove chemicals, heavy metals, or particulates.
  • Combination Systems:
    • Contaminants Removed: Use multiple filtration methods (e.g., RO combined with UV and carbon filters) to tackle a wide range of contaminants.
    • Strengths: Offers comprehensive purification while retaining some minerals.
    • Limitations: More complex and expensive, requires regular maintenance.

Distilled Water:

Distillation involves boiling water to produce steam and then condensing that steam back into liquid form, leaving behind most contaminants.

  • Contaminants Removed:
    • Bacteria and Viruses: Distillation effectively removes bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms since they do not vaporize with the water.
    • Chemicals: Removes heavy metals, salts, and most chemicals.
    • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Some VOCs may vaporize along with water, but most distillers are equipped with a carbon filter to address this issue.
    • Dissolved Solids: Distillation effectively removes nearly all dissolved solids, making the water extremely pure.
  • Strengths: Produces highly purified water, removes nearly all contaminants, including those that other methods might miss.
  • Limitations: Removes beneficial minerals, can taste flat, and the process is energy-intensive and slow.

Ozonation has several advantages in water treatment:

  • Effective Disinfection: Ozone is a strong disinfectant, more potent than chlorine, and can kill a broader spectrum of microorganisms.
  • No Harmful Byproducts: Unlike chlorine, which can produce potentially harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs), ozone does not form significant DBPs, making it a safer option for drinking water treatment.
  • Taste and Odor Removal: Ozone can effectively remove unpleasant tastes and odors from water, particularly those caused by organic compounds.
  • Color and Turbidity Reduction: Ozone can aid in reducing the color and turbidity of water by breaking down organic compounds responsible for these issues.
  • Environmental Considerations: Ozone breaks down into oxygen, leaving no harmful residual chemicals in the water. It is considered environmentally friendly.
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However, it’s important to note that ozone is not a long-lasting residual disinfectant, meaning it doesn’t provide long-term protection once it’s introduced into the water.

Therefore, in many water treatment systems, a secondary disinfectant like chlorine or chloramine is often used to maintain a residual level of protection as water travels through distribution systems.

Essentially, filtered water shares many similarities with spring water. It originates from a “natural” source, undergoes limited filtration, and is subsequently packaged and transported for sale.

ways in which filtered water can be obtained:

  • Faucet Filters: Using attachments or systems that fit directly onto your tap to filter tap water.
  • Pitcher Filters: Pouring tap water into a pitcher with an integrated filter.
pitcher filter

Pitcher filter

  • Under-Sink Filters: Installing filtration systems under your sink to treat tap water at the point of use.
The image shows a white cylindrical water filter installed under a sink.  The filter housing is securely mounted, with visible connections that allow water to flow in and out, likely ensuring clean, filtered water for drinking or household use.

The image shows a white cylindrical water filter installed under a sink. The filter housing is securely mounted, with visible connections that allow water to flow in and out, likely ensuring clean, filtered water for drinking or household use.

  • Whole-House Filters: Implementing filtration systems that treat water for your entire home at the point of entry.
This image shows a GE SmartWater filtration system installed in a residential plumbing setup. The filter housing is connected to the water supply lines, ensuring clean and filtered water throughout the household. The unit is securely mounted and prominently labeled, highlighting its role in improving water quality. This type of system is commonly used to reduce contaminants in tap water, providing safer and better-tasting water for drinking, cooking, and other uses.
This image shows a GE SmartWater filtration system installed in a residential plumbing setup. The filter housing is connected to the water supply lines, ensuring clean and filtered water throughout the household. The unit is securely mounted and prominently labeled, highlighting its role in improving water quality. This type of system is commonly used to reduce contaminants in tap water, providing safer and better-tasting water for drinking, cooking, and other uses.
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems: Employing specialized systems that use a semipermeable membrane to filter out impurities from tap water.
  • Countertop Filters: Placing standalone filtration units on your countertop and connecting them to your faucet.
  • Gravity Filters: Using gravity to pass water through a filter, often employed in portable camping and outdoor settings.
  • Bottled Filtered Water: Purchasing commercially bottled water that has undergone filtration before packaging.
  • Natural Springs: Collecting water from natural springs, which often undergo natural filtration as water flows through rock layers.
  • UV Purification: Employing ultraviolet (UV) light to disinfect and treat water, often in combination with other filtration methods to remove particles.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and may be chosen based on factors such as water source, desired level of filtration, and convenience.

Natural methods you can use to filter water.

  • Boiling: Boiling water is one of the oldest and most effective methods to kill pathogens and bacteria. Bring the water to a rolling boil for at least one minute, then allow it to cool before drinking.
  • Sand and Gravel Filtration: Create a makeshift filter by layering clean coarse sand and gravel in a container. Pour water through this filter, and it will help remove larger particles and sediments.
  • Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is a highly porous material that can adsorb impurities from water. You can make a simple charcoal filter by placing activated charcoal in a container and pouring water through it.

charcoal use to filter water

  • Cloth Filtration: Use tightly woven fabric like cotton or cheesecloth to strain out larger particles from the water. This method won’t remove bacteria or viruses, but it can help with sediment.
  • Clay Pots: Unglazed clay pots can be used as a natural filter. Water seeps through the tiny pores in the clay, leaving behind impurities. However, this process is slow and might not remove all contaminants.
  • Ceramic Filters: Ceramic filters have fine pores that can remove bacteria and protozoa. They are commercially available or can be handmade using clay.
  • Sunlight (SODIS): Solar water disinfection (SODIS) is a natural way to kill pathogens. Fill clear plastic bottles with water and leave them in direct sunlight for 6 hours. The UV rays kill bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
  • Plants: Certain plants can help filter water due to their natural filtration abilities. The roots of plants like reeds and cattails can trap and remove pollutants from water.
  • Bio-sand Filters: These are made from a concrete container with layers of sand, gravel, and sometimes charcoal. They effectively remove bacteria, protozoa, and suspended solids.
  • Moringa Oleifera Seeds: Crushed seeds from the Moringa tree can help clarify water by causing impurities to clump together, making it easier to remove them.

moringa Oleifera Seeds

  • DIY Slow Sand Filter: This is a larger-scale project but very effective. It involves creating a container with layers of sand and gravel through which water is allowed to percolate.
  • Bamboo Charcoal: Bamboo charcoal is known for its porous structure, which can adsorb impurities. Crushed bamboo charcoal can be used as a filtration medium.
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Filtered or Distilled Water? 10 Things You Need to Consider Before Choosing

1. Purity Level:

  • Filtered Water: Removes many contaminants but may still leave some minerals and impurities.
  • Distilled Water: Nearly 100% pure, with almost all minerals, chemicals, and impurities removed.

2. Mineral Content:

  • Filtered Water: Retains beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium, depending on the filtration method.
  • Distilled Water: Lacks any minerals, as the distillation process removes everything, including beneficial minerals.

3. Taste:

  • Filtered Water: Generally retains a more natural taste due to the presence of minerals.
  • Distilled Water: Tends to have a flat taste because of the absence of minerals.

4. Health Considerations:

  • Filtered Water: Can provide essential minerals that support bone health and other bodily functions.
  • Distilled Water: While pure, long-term consumption may require you to supplement with minerals, as it lacks any naturally occurring ones.

5. Cost:

  • Filtered Water: Typically less expensive in the long run, especially if you use a home filtration system.
  • Distilled Water: Generally more expensive due to the energy-intensive distillation process.

6. Environmental Impact:

  • Filtered Water: If using a home filtration system, it’s generally more environmentally friendly, especially compared to buying bottled water.
  • Distilled Water: The distillation process consumes more energy, increasing the environmental footprint.

7. Convenience:

  • Filtered Water: Easy to access at home with a filtration system, and more readily available.
  • Distilled Water: Often requires purchasing bottled water or setting up a home distillation system.

8. Usage:

  • Filtered Water: Suitable for drinking, cooking, and other household uses.
  • Distilled Water: Ideal for specific applications where mineral-free water is needed, such as in medical equipment, laboratory use, or certain home appliances.

9. Contaminant Removal:

  • Filtered Water: Removes most harmful substances, including chlorine, lead, and pesticides, depending on the filter type.
  • Distilled Water: Removes nearly all contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and dissolved salts.

10. Maintenance:

  • Filtered Water: Requires regular filter changes to maintain effectiveness, which can vary depending on the filtration system.
  • Distilled Water: Minimal maintenance if you’re purchasing it, but a home distillation unit may require occasional cleaning.

Remember that while these methods can help reduce contaminants, they may not always make water completely safe to drink, especially if it’s contaminated with harmful chemicals or heavy metals. For truly potable water, it’s advisable to combine natural filtration methods with more advanced techniques or use commercially available water purification systems when possible.

Benefits of Filtered Water

Removes Contaminants: High-quality filtration systems can effectively remove harmful contaminants such as chlorine, heavy metals (like lead and mercury), pesticides, bacteria, and other impurities that may be present in tap water.

Improves Taste and Odor: Filtration can enhance the taste and odor of water by removing chlorine and other chemicals, making it more palatable.

Retains Essential Minerals: Unlike distilled water, which removes almost all minerals, filtered water typically retains beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which are important for health.

How to choose the Right Method to Filter water

1. Identify Contaminants in Your Water

  • Test Your Water: Start by getting your water tested to identify the contaminants present. Common contaminants include chlorine, lead, bacteria, pesticides, and heavy metals.
  • Focus on Specific Contaminants: Choose a filtration method that is effective against the specific contaminants found in your water.

2. Understand Different Filtration Methods

  • Activated Carbon Filters: Best for removing chlorine, bad tastes, and odors.
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems: Effective for removing a wide range of contaminants, including heavy metals, chemicals, and bacteria.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) Filters: Ideal for killing bacteria and viruses.
  • Ceramic Filters: Useful for filtering out bacteria and parasites.
  • Distillation: Removes most contaminants by boiling water and condensing the steam.

3. Consider Your Water Source

  • Municipal Water: Typically treated but may still contain chlorine, lead, or other contaminants.
  • Well Water: Can have bacteria, heavy metals, or nitrates.
  • Surface Water (Lakes/Rivers): May contain organic material, bacteria, and industrial pollutants.

4. Assess Your Usage Needs

  • Drinking Water: Opt for systems like reverse osmosis or activated carbon filters.
  • Whole-House Filtration: If you want to filter water for the entire house, consider a point-of-entry system.
  • Portability: If you need a portable solution, consider gravity-fed filters or water filter pitchers.

5. Evaluate Maintenance Requirements

  • Filter Replacement: Consider how often the filter needs to be replaced and the cost of replacement filters.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Some systems require regular cleaning or maintenance to function effectively.

6. Consider Budget Constraints

  • Initial Cost: Compare the upfront cost of different filtration systems.
  • Long-Term Costs: Factor in the cost of filter replacements, maintenance, and energy usage over time.

7. Check Certification and Standards

  • Look for Certifications: Ensure the filter meets standards set by organizations like NSF International or the Water Quality Association (WQA).
  • Verify Claims: Check that the filter has been tested and certified to remove the contaminants it claims to handle.

8. Think About Installation and Space

  • Ease of Installation: Some systems require professional installation, while others are DIY-friendly.
  • Space Requirements: Consider how much space the filtration system will take up, especially for under-sink or countertop units.

9. Research User Reviews and Ratings

  • User Experiences: Read reviews to see how other users rate the performance, reliability, and ease of use of the filtration system.
  • Expert Recommendations: Look for expert opinions and comparisons to help guide your decision.
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10. Decide on a Filtration System

  • Single-Stage Filters: Good for basic needs and removal of chlorine and sediment.
  • Multi-Stage Systems: Provide comprehensive filtration, removing a broader range of contaminants.
  • Custom Solutions: Some manufacturers offer customizable systems based on your specific water analysis.
  • For Drinking Water: A combination of activated carbon and reverse osmosis is often recommended for removing a wide range of contaminants.
  • For Pathogen Removal: UV filters, ceramic filters, or distillation are good options.
  • For Improving Taste: Activated carbon filters are usually sufficient.
  • For Hard Water: A water softener is ideal.

If you’re filtering water from a potentially contaminated source, combining multiple filtration methods (e.g., a sediment filter followed by an activated carbon filter and then a UV filter) can provide comprehensive protection.

What is Distilled water?

Distilled water is water that has undergone a process called distillation to remove impurities and minerals. This process involves heating water to create steam, which is then collected and condensed back into liquid form. The impurities, such as minerals, salts, and other dissolved substances, are left behind in the original container.

The resulting distilled water is essentially pure H2O, as most of the contaminants have been removed. It is free from minerals, ions, and other substances that may be present in regular tap water. This makes it suitable for various applications where purity is important, such as in laboratory experiments, medical procedures, and some industrial processes.

It’s important to note that while distilled water is considered very pure, it lacks minerals that can be beneficial for human health. Some minerals in water, like calcium and magnesium, can contribute to your daily intake of essential nutrients. Therefore, drinking distilled water exclusively for extended periods may not be recommended for maintaining a balanced diet.

Overall, distilled water is a valuable tool in many industries and scientific fields where high purity is essential, but it may not be the best choice for everyday drinking water due to its lack of minerals. If you have specific health concerns or dietary needs, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or nutritionist for advice on your water consumption.

Common sources of Distilled Water

  • Supermarkets and Grocery Stores: Many supermarkets and grocery stores sell distilled water. It is typically available in plastic containers, often near other types of bottled water.
  • Pharmacies and Drugstores: Pharmacies and drugstores may carry distilled water, especially in the section where medical supplies and first aid products are sold. It is sometimes used for medical purposes where purity is crucial.
  • Online Retailers: Various online retailers, such as Amazon, sell distilled water. You can order it in various quantities and have it delivered to your doorstep.
  • Water Vending Machines: Some specialized water vending machines offer distilled water as an option. These machines often allow you to fill your own container.
  • Home Water Distillation Units: You can also distill water at home using a water distiller. These appliances are designed for personal use and can produce distilled water on demand.
  • Medical Facilities: Hospitals and medical facilities use distilled water for various medical applications, including in medical equipment, for wound care, and in certain medical procedures.
  • Industrial Suppliers: Industrial suppliers may carry larger quantities of distilled water for specific applications, such as in laboratories, manufacturing processes, or for cleaning sensitive equipment.
  • Automotive Supply Stores: Distilled water is sometimes used in automotive applications, particularly in lead-acid batteries.

Things to Consider when using Distilled water

Remember, it’s important to use water specifically labeled as “distilled” for applications where high purity is required, such as in medical equipment or certain laboratory procedures. Other types of purified water, like “purified drinking water” or “filtered water,” may not meet the same purity standards as distilled water.

Filtere water vs distilled water

filtered water

  • Filtered Water: Filtered water is obtained by passing water through a physical barrier or chemical process to remove impurities, contaminants, and particles.
  • Filtered Water: Contains some minerals and trace elements depending on the type of filter used.
  • Filtered Water: Removes some contaminants but may still contain some minerals and impurities.
  • Filtered Water: May retain some natural minerals, which can affect taste. Generally considered to have a more natural taste compared to distilled water.
  • Filtered Water: Suitable for drinking and cooking. It’s also commonly used in appliances like coffee makers, ice makers, and humidifiers.
  • Filtered Water: Initial cost includes purchasing a filtration system or using filtered water jugs. Ongoing cost may involve replacing filters.
  • Filtered Water: Depending on the filtration method, it may involve disposable filters which can contribute to waste.
  • Filtered Water: May retain some beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium.
  • Filtered Water: Provides some minerals and may have health benefits depending on the source and type of filter used.
  • Filtered Water: Effectiveness depends on the type of filter used. Commonly removes sediment, chlorine, bacteria, and some heavy metals.

Distilled Water

  • Distilled Water: Distilled water is created through a process of boiling water, collecting the steam, and condensing it back into water, which removes most minerals and impurities.
  • Distilled Water: Virtually mineral-free, as the distillation process removes most minerals.
  • Distilled Water: Considered one of the purest forms of water as it is free from most minerals and impurities.
  • Distilled Water: Often described as having a very neutral and flat taste due to the absence of minerals.
  • Distilled Water: Commonly used in medical procedures, laboratory experiments, automotive cooling systems, and in household appliances that require mineral-free water.
  • Distilled Water: Can be more expensive if bought from stores, but distillation systems can be purchased for home use, providing a more cost-effective option over time.
  • Distilled Water: The distillation process requires energy, but it can be more sustainable if using a home distillation system, as it eliminates the need for single-use plastic bottles.
  • Distilled Water: Lacks minerals, so it doesn’t contribute to daily mineral intake.
  • Distilled Water: Some argue that prolonged consumption of distilled water could potentially lead to a loss of essential minerals. However, this is a topic of debate among health experts.
  • Distilled Water: Highly effective at removing minerals, bacteria, viruses, and most chemicals, but not volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that have a lower boiling point than water.

Both filtered and distilled water have their own merits and are suitable for various applications. The choice between the two depends on specific needs and preferences.






